\ Privacy Policy
This website belongs to Alves Mendes & Carlos Picoito — Sociedade de Advogados, SP, RL (“Alves Mendes & Carlos Picoito”). We believe in respecting our users’ privacy, thus we kindly ask you to attentively read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
This Privacy Policy determines the principles followed by Alves Mendes & Carlos Picoito regarding the use of personal and non-personal data we might gather from our website users. By proceeding with the navigation of this site, you agree with these Policy and Terms. We bring attention to the fact that this policy may be sporadically revised, and thus it is our users’ responsibility to keep themselves up to date with it upon every visit to this website.
\ Data gathering and Personal and Non-personal Data Usage
Alves Mendes & Carlos Picoito do not gather personal identification data through this website. All sensitive personal information in our possession was voluntarily bestowed upon us by means of our publicly announced contacts. This information is used solely by Alves Mendes & Carlos Picoito and its employees, and will not be shared with third-parties without previous notice and clear consent. Any personal identification information held by Alves Mendes & Carlos Picoito is used for answering requests from our users and providing our services only.
All information gathered directly on this website is of non-personal nature, which means we cannot identify our users through it. This information consists of estimate location and origin of access, web browser and language preference and visited pages. We use this data for client profiling and service optimization only, and reiterate that it cannot be used to track down or identify our users personally.
\ Cookie Policy
Cookies are small files stored in your device’s hard drive through your web browser. These files keep some of the information regarding your browsing preferences from getting lost each time you access our website or a different page within it, allowing for a faster browsing experience. Cookies cannot be used to identify our users, and they may be deleted anytime a user wishes to do so using their preferred web browser’s tools.
\ Personal Data Security
Alves Mendes & Carlos Picoito implements internal data protection measures as to secure your information. We do not share any personal information with third-parties unless expressly allowed or clearly requested to do so. All users and clients will be duly informed of eventual breeches of security which might endanger the personal information in our possession.
\ Access to Personal Information
All of our website users, as well as anyone who has voluntarily shared their own personal identification details with us, might at anytime request a copy of the aforementioned information, or even its complete removal from our data-base. To proceed with any of these requests, we kindly ask that you do so through electronic or regular mail.
Last updated on December 16th 2021